Iris Flowers

Iris flowers are vibrant and bright. They add a beautiful punch of color to arrangements or bouquets and are also beautiful to send just on their own. Surprise a loved one with a elegant and sophisticated Iris arrangement today. We offer same day delivery to anywhere within the greater Toronto area and we also deliver worldwide. Please note, Iris flowers are not always in the season. You may place your order and if they are available we will glady take care of your order. If they aren't available we will let you know. 

The Color Your Day With Tranquility Bouquet by FTD

$49.99 - $89.99

The FTD Cottage View Bouquet

$54.99 - $99.99
$49.99 - $94.99

FTD New Day Dawns Bouquet

$69.99 - $114.99
$64.99 - $110.99

Vera Wang Sweet Sophistication Bouquet



$49.99 - $89.99
$39.99 - $59.99

Iris Bouquet with Baby's Breath

$34.99 - $104.99
$29.99 - $89.99

Rich Blue Bouquet - Blue & White


The Spirit of Spring

$44.99 - $64.99
$39.99 - $59.99

Sugar Rush Red Roses and Irises

$34.99 - $79.99
$29.99 - $77.99

The FTD Lavender Luxe Luxury Bouquet

$139.99 - $159.99

Irises and Daisies Flower Bouquet

$39.99 - $79.99
$29.99 - $59.99