Rose Month Calls For a Rose Bouquet


If you’ve been waiting for the perfect time to surprise a loved one with a beautiful bouquet of flowers, then you’re in luck! June is not just any month – it’s Rose Month!  And what could be more fitting than celebrating the timeless beauty and fragrance of roses? Join in the fun and grab a rose bouquet to brighten someone’s day!

rose in the vase

Rose Flower

Roses are a classic choice for gifting. Their vibrant colors and stunning appearance make them a favorite when it comes to showing appreciation, love, and affection. In fact, they are often referred to as the “queen of flowers,” and have been mentioned in literature, poetry, music, and art for centuries. With such a rich history and undeniable beauty, it’s no wonder they hold such a special place in our hearts.

pink roses

Rose Meaning

So, what’s the significance of gifting roses, you ask? Well, different colors of roses hold different meanings. For instance, red roses are often associated with love and passion, making them the perfect gift for a romantic partner. On the other hand, pink roses symbolize admiration and gratitude, making them a great choice for showing appreciation to a friend or family member. White roses represent purity and innocence, while yellow roses are a symbol of friendship and joy. And let’s not forget about the stunning rainbow roses, which represent happiness and celebration. If you’re not sure what each color represents, be sure to check out our blog post on the meaning of roses by color. It’s a great way to add an extra touch of sentiment to your rose bouquet gift.

blue rose

Rose Bouquet

Now, let’s talk about the best part – the wide variety of roses and flower arrangements available at 416 Flowers! We have everything from classic red and white roses to more unique options like blue, purple, and even rainbow roses. We also offer a wide variety of flower arrangements that include some of these captivating flowers, ensuring that there’s something for everyone. Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or simply want to brighten someone’s day, you’ll find the perfect bouquet at 416 Flowers.

rainbow roses

Send Roses Online

If you’re feeling inspired to gift roses this month, go ahead and take advantage of our same-day delivery option. That’s right – you can convey your message today! Whether you’re planning a last-minute surprise or simply want to make someone’s day extra special, we’ve got you covered. After all, who can resist the timeless beauty and fragrance of a stunning rose bouquet?

red roses


Visit or contact us at (416) 356-9377 to place an order. We’re open 7 days a week and always ready to help you find the perfect bouquet for any occasion. Whether you’re looking for red roses, pink roses, white roses, or any other color under the sun, 416 Flowers has got you covered. Let’s make this Rose Month one to remember!

Meaning of Rose Colours: A Gifting Guide for Every Occasion

colourful roses in a vase

Gifting Roses

Roses are the perfect gift for any occasion, whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or just to show you care. With their variety of colours, they can convey different emotions and messages to the recipient. So, when you give someone a bouquet of roses, you’re not just giving them beautiful flowers, you’re also expressing your true feelings through the language of flowers. That’s why roses are a popular choice for wedding ceremonies, anniversary and birthday celebrations. You can never go wrong with a gift of fresh roses, as they are a popular and meaningful choice for a gift that will be appreciated and cherished. Discover the significance of rose colours with our comprehensive gifting guide for every occasion.

happy couple with peach rose colours

Pink Roses

Elegance, Appreciation and Admiration

Pink roses

If you want to show elegance, appreciation, or admiration, then pink roses are the perfect choice. They symbolize grace and gratitude, making them a great way to express your feelings to someone special. So, if you’re looking for a thoughtful and meaningful gift, consider giving a bouquet of beautiful pink roses.

Red Roses

Love and Passion

red roses

Red roses are the perfect gift for romantic occasions! They symbolize love and passion, making them the ideal way to convey your feelings to someone special. When you give someone a bouquet of red roses, you’re saying “I love you” in a classic and timeless way. So, next time you’re looking for a meaningful gift to express your emotions, consider giving a beautiful arrangement of red roses.

Blue Roses

Mystery and Uniqueness

Blue roses

Blue roses are a great gift option because they convey mystery and uniqueness. If you want to impress someone with a thought-provoking and enigmatic gift, blue roses are the way to go. The unique color of these roses can convey a feeling of intrigue and fascination that other colors can’t quite capture. So, next time you’re looking for a special gift to convey a sense of mystery, consider giving blue roses.

Yellow Roses

Friendship and Care

yellow roses

Yellow roses are the perfect way to show someone you care and appreciate your friendship. Their sunny color symbolizes joy and warmth, making them a great gift option for a close friend or a loved one. Whether it’s a birthday, a thank you, or just because, yellow roses can convey the message of care and thoughtfulness. So next time you want to brighten someone’s day, consider giving them a bouquet of yellow roses!

White Roses

Purity, Innocence and New Beginnings

White roses

White roses make a great gift because they can convey different emotions depending on their color. If you want to express purity, innocence, or new beginnings, go for white roses. They’re perfect for weddings, baby showers, or starting fresh. So, next time you’re looking for a thoughtful gift, consider the meaning behind the color of the roses you give!

Purple Roses

Wonder and Enchantment

Purple roses

Purple roses make a charming gift, conveying feelings of wonder and enchantment. The rich and vibrant hue of purple roses adds a touch of magic to any occasion, making them a perfect choice for expressing admiration and fascination. Whether it’s for a friend, a loved one, or even yourself, gifting purple roses is a thoughtful way to show appreciation and wonderment. So, next time you want to convey a sense of awe and enchantment, consider surprising someone with a bouquet of lovely purple roses.

Orange Roses

Energy and Desire

orange roses

Orange roses are a great gift choice, perfect for conveying feelings of energy and desire. Whether you’re giving them to a romantic partner or a friend, these vibrant blooms can express a sense of enthusiasm and passion. The bright, playful color of orange roses can instantly cheer up anyone’s day and bring a sense of vitality to any occasion. So, if you’re looking to convey these emotions, consider giving a bouquet of beautiful orange roses to someone special!

Peach Roses

Sincerity and Gratitude

peach roses

Looking for a special gift? Peach roses are a great option! They convey sincerity and gratitude, making them perfect for showing appreciation to someone. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or romantic partner, giving peach roses can express your genuine feelings in a beautiful way. Plus, the soft and warm color of these roses adds a touch of sweetness to any occasion. So, next time you want to say “thank you” or show your genuine feelings, consider gifting a lovely bunch of peach roses.

Rainbow Roses

Happiness and Joy

Rainbow roses

Rainbow roses are artificially colored, created by dividing the stem and soaking each part in colorful dyes. They’re more of a fun creation than something you’d find growing naturally. They represent joy, happiness, and diversity since they come in so many colors. Each color in the rose represents a different emotion, making them a versatile and thoughtful present for any occasion. Whether you want to express love with red, friendship with yellow, or gratitude with pink, rainbow roses allow you to send a meaningful message with a beautiful and vibrant bouquet. So next time you want to brighten someone’s day, consider giving them a stunning bunch of rainbow roses to show just how much you care.

holding pink roses bouquet


Roses are the perfect gift to show someone you care. The color of the roses you choose can convey different emotions – red for love and passion, pink for gratitude and admiration, yellow for friendship and joy, and white for purity and sympathy. Now that you understand better the meaning of roses by color, you can head to and choose the right gift to convey your message to someone special. Enjoy our fresh roses sale with dozen roses starting at $19.99!